Angel Fight West
Provide passengers access to treatment at faraway medical centers; transporting blood to critically ill patients; flying special needs kids to summer camps; and many more humanitarian missions.
Avery-Fuller-Welch Children's Foundation
Provides grants that allow low-income families with children in need of supportive, remedial therapy to have access to those professional services. Provides grants for treatment/therapy must be submitted by the provider of care in Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo counties.
Be Perfect Foundation
Provides scholarships to individuals living with paralysis and varying neurological disorders for their medical base needs. These needs include medical supplies, wheelchairs, smaller-scale home/car adaptations, and participation in activity-based therapy programs.
The Butterfly Fund
Facilitated by the Brain Tumor Foundation for Children to provide direct financial assistance to needy families of children and young adults with brain and spinal cord tumors for items not covered by other means. Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital, San Francisco are approved facilities.
California Assistive Technology Reuse Coalition
The AT Exchange is a free service of Ability Tools where you can find gently used devices for sale or free, place want ads for needed devices, and borrow devices from one of California’s Device Lending Libraries.
For Kids Foundation in Monterey Bay
For Kids Foundation Monterey Bay is the financial provider of last resort for unmet critical needs of children under the age of 20 in Santa Cruz, Monterey and San Benito Counties in California.
Jack's Helping Hand
Providing everything from high-tech wheelchairs to prosthetic limbs, from appointments with specialists to custom-designed eyeglasses or hearing devices for children up to the age of 21. Assistance to families of children with cancer or special needs to help with transportation, food and housing costs associated with out-of-area treatments.
Keep the Wheels Rolling Fund
Provides small grants of up to $450 for the purchase of parts and/or repairs needed to refurbish a wheelchair or scooter.
Little Angels Service Dogs
Trains and places assistance dogs with disabled children and adults throughout the United States. They have a location in San Diego, California.
Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area
Takes referrals of kids with life-threatening medical conditions every year and grant them a wish that changes lives, forever.
Marty Lyons Foundation
Applications will be accepted for “special wishes” only for children chronologically aged three (3) through seventeen (17) years.
Provides scholarship or grant funding up to $500 for programs or services for children with special needs within the area served by Ventura County SELPA.
Rest Haven Children's Health Fund
Provide funds for health related services for children 0-17 years old in San Diego and Imperial counties when no other funds are available.
Ride A Wave
Gives children with special needs the chance to feel the thrill of riding a wave and experience a safe, fun-filled day at the beach, whether they are physically, developmentally or economically challenged. While primarily addressing the California Bay Area, visitors have come from every US state and as far away as Canada, Italy, and France to participate in Ride a Wave beach camps.
Spectrum of Hope Foundation
Children under the age of 7 with an autism diagnosis needing assistance with ABA, speech therapy, legal fees, parent trainings.
Talk About Curing Autism
TACA San Diego Medical Scholarship will provide financial assistance to eligible families. The scholarship awards $1,000 to aid in the out-of-pocket expenses for a medical professional that specializes in the treatment of autism and associated medical comorbidities.
Wheel to Walk
Helps children with disabilities, 20 years and younger, obtain medical & adaptive equipment or therapy services not provided by insurance. They purchase items such as therapy tricycles, adaptive strollers, shower chairs, pumper cars, zip zac chairs, selective communication devices, gait trainers, speech therapy and wheelchairs.