Angel Flight Central
Dedicated to arranging free non-emergency long distance air transportation for children and adults in situations of compelling human need.
Autism Society of Iowa
Family Scholarships to attend programming such as dance class, music therapy and so on. Payment is made directly to the organization offering the programming. Contact 515-327-9075 for more information.
Department of Human Services
Provide multiple assistance programs. Child Care Assistance, Food Assistance, Cash Assistance, State Supplement Assistance, and Job Training.
Designer Genes Downs Syndrome Group
FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE - will consider a variety of requests including, but not limited to: camp fees, conference and workshop fees, and more.
Contact (319) 404-0396 or designergenes2005@yahoo.com
Dream Factory Inc.
Largest all-volunteer driven children’s wish-granting organization that does not limit its mission to children who have life-threatening illness. The organization believes children with chronic illnesses and disorders also suffer from substantial emotional and physical pain. Parent must apply through local chapter.
GiGi's Playhouse
Provide FREE, life-changing therapeutic, educational, and career training programs.
IMPACT Community Action Partnership
Personal pantry available for personal hygiene and household cleaning supplies. Item availability varies. Individuals can attend the pantry once per month.
Iowa Family Support Network
Children at Home assist families in securing the services and supports they identify as necessary in helping their child to remain at home. Different counties facilitate their own programs. A great resource directory too!
Lifeline Pilots
FREE transportation for such medical needs as on-going medical treatments, diagnosis and follow-up care.
Miracle Travel Works
Provides assistance for travel for the purpose of seeking urgent medical treatment for your child, and you reside within the Midwest states.
Northwoods Airlifeline
Help people obtain medical assistance that is unavailable to them in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to destinations in Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, South Dakota, Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, Connecticut, and Texas, all at no cost to the individual.
Paws 4 Autism
Focuses on service dogs trained specifically for those challenged by autism, PTSD, EDS, D-POTS.
Respite funding through the Arc of Stork County
Provides supplemental respite funding for families that need respite services.
Sleep in Heavenly Peace
Volunteers make and deliver bunk beds to children and families in need. Community supports can refer families to Sleep in Heavenly Peace, or families can self refer.
Special Youth Challenge Ministries
Provides training and other necessary aides to help the hunters achieve this goal at no cost to them.